Entries are written in the Djot markup language.


Every entry belongs to a group. Every group can have its own template for rendering its entries, and in your site’s templates you can enumerate entries by group. For example, you may have a group “blog” and a group “pages”.

Directory structure

Sprokkel collects all files that end with the .dj file extension in ./entries/<group> directories. Entries can also be placed in their own directory to manage related assets such as images easily; for this case, Sprokkel looks for files named index.dj one directory deeper.

For example, the following are valid entry locations:

├── blog
│   ├── 2024-03-12-something
│   │   ├── index.dj
│   │   └── image.svg
│   └── 2024-04-24-something-else.dj
└── pages
    └── foobar.dj


If an entry starts with a level-1 heading, it is used as the entry’s title. For example, the following entry has title “Foo bar”. If no title is given, the slug is used as the entry’s title.

# Foo _bar_

Lorem ipsum...

Front matter

To customize some behavior and meta-information related to entries, use front matter.