Sprokkel builds output files to ./out. To build a site for release:

$ sprokkel build

To build every time the site changes:

$ sprokkel build --watch

Sprokkel generates the site from files in the working directory by default. You can specify a different directory:

$ sprokkel build --watch ./path/to/site 

Unless specified otherwise, Sprokkel generates production builds. Only explicitly released entries are included in these builds. To let sprokkel generate a development build, indicate it using the --develop flag, e.g.:

$ sprokkel build --develop --watch

Sprokkel does not currently have an HTTP server built in. If you have Python available on your development machine, you can use it to serve files:

python3 -m http.server 8080 -d ./out

For more CLI information, see:

$ sprokkel --help